Maintaining Continuous Registration
ISGP students must register for their Master’s or PhD theses. Be sure to use the correct course and section numbers. Graduate students must maintain continuous registration each Term in order to be eligible for awards, loans, housing, etc.
Master’s student: INDS 549A section 003 (6-credit Term 1-2)
Doctoral student: INDS 649 section 001 (Term 1-2)
Master’s student: INDS 549A section 941 (6-credit Term 1 & 2)
Doctoral student: INDS 649 section 941 (Term 1 & 2)
All other INDS courses require the permission of the instructor. Please contact the instructor for permission to take the course. The instructor will inform the ISGP office (preferably via e-mail). The ISGP office will then register the student for the course (if you are not an ISGP student, please ensure you contact our office and provide your Name and UBC Student Number for internal registration purposes).
Course Requirements for ISGP PhD students
Effective September 2023, all PhD students at the ISGP are required to take a minimum 12 credits of coursework (with 2 mandatory courses). Courses can be a combination of upper-level undergraduate (300’s/400’s) courses and graduate-level courses (500’s/600’s) and must must be completed within the first two years of program (schedule permitting).
The two mandatory courses are: the introduction to interdisciplinary course INDS 502E – ideally taken in the first semester – and INDS 502T. More information on both can be found below. The rest of the courses can either be chosen from the list of interdisciplinary research course (Interdisciplinary Courses (UBC) List) or it encompasses two foundational courses in areas of your research.
A maximum of 3 credits can be a Directed Studies course. All courses taken, regardless of relevance/requirement, are used to calculate overall minimum academic standing (68%/B-). See policy on “Satisfactory Progress”.
Course Requirement for ISGP MA and MSc students
Effective September 2023, all master’s students are required to take INDS 502E as part of their 30 credit graduation requirement.
INDS Courses
For courses schedules, times and location, please visit the UBC Calendar for more information.
INDS 502E 001 (Winter Term 1): 3-credit
Methodologies of Crossing: Exploring Interdisciplinary Knowledges, Trajectories, and Worldviews
Instructor: Dr. Rajdeep Gill
Day/Time: Thursdays, 1:00 – 4:00pm
Location- Online
This course is required for all PhD and Master’s students.
This course offers a creative and collaborative approach to understanding and exploring interdisciplinary constructions of knowledges across the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. The methodological, structural and socio-ecological contours of diverse historical and contemporary formations of interdisciplinarity will be intricately examined. There will be a strongly focus on the interrelationship of knowledges and value, interdisciplinarities and public reason. Along with in-depth dialogue and experiential learning, guest speakers from the UBC community and beyond will be invited to enrich interdisciplinary engagement and learning. A supportive and exploratory space will be created for connecting interdisciplinarity to the specific research, methodological and personal interests of each course participant. No background in interdisciplinary research is required, and students from any and all areas of study are welcome. Curiosity, adventurousness, imagination and creativity will be encouraged. The desire to expand avenues of knowledge exchange and translation across academic, community and public contexts will be welcomed and supported. ISGP students will have priority in registration.
Methodologies of Crossing (21W) Course Syllabus
INDS 502K 001 / MEDG 535 001 (Winter Term 2): 3-credit
*IMPORTANT NOTE*: This course will not be offered until further notice.
Genetics and Ethics
Instructor: Dr. Alice Virani
Course Outline: INDS 502K / MEDG 535
INDS 502S 007 / SPPH 523 002 (Winter Term 2): 3-credit
Global Health and Human Security
Dr. Jerry Spiegel
Course Outline: INDS 502S / SPPH 523
INDS 502T 001 (Winter Term 2): 3-credit
Practicing Collaborative Transdisciplinary Research for Impact
Instructor: Dr. Naoko Ellis and Dr. Derek Gladwin
Day/Time: Tuesdays, 1:00 – 4:00pm
Location: FSC 1617 , 2424 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4
Course Outline/syllabus: Link
This course is required for all PhD students and comes strongly recommended for Master’s students.
Course Narrative and Learnings
Responding to multiplying global polycrises, such as the interrelated effects of climate change, energy transition, socio-political conflicts, and social injustices, requires a holistic understanding of interconnected systems, which are composed of elements working together and whose properties emerge from their relationships. This course explores Transdisciplinary (TD) research, where various disciplines merge to create new forms of knowledge, foster adaptive and collaborative team learning, and promote cooperation between academia and society. TD approaches to research and un/learning are vital for engaging with complex systems—characterized by uncertainties, paradoxes, and contradictions—and encourage collaboration and participation through evolving methodologies, ontologies, and epistemologies. Unlike traditional inter- and multi-disciplinary approaches, TD research facilitates the co-production of knowledge with experts, practitioners, and other collaborators, leading to a deeper understanding and greater impact on complex societal challenges. In this course, students will practice collaborative TD research and methodologies, drawing on relational approaches, and apply this process-based work towards student team projects that could involve, for instance, campus-based sustainability and other local partnerships. In these experiences, students will also develop strategies within TD spaces to navigate uncertainty, building stamina and resilience for addressing polycrises.
Course aims:
- Developing TD research methodologies, ontologies, and epistemologies
- Cultivating literacy for systems change
- Embodying relational learning within groups and community partners
- Fostering process-orientated experiential learning
- Experiencing the discomfort of sitting with disciplinary diversity
- Learning to hold space for ambiguity and experimentation in a collaborative group
ISGP students will have priority in registration.
INDS 502U 001 / SPPH 519 002 (Winter Term 2): 3-credit
Qualitative Methods in Applied Ethics Research
Dr. Susan Cox
Course Outline: INDS 502U
INDS 502F 001 (Winter Term 1): 3-credit
*IMPORTANT NOTE*: This course is cancelled until further notice.
Dr. Janusz Korczak’s Legacy: Children’s Rights are Human Rights
Instructors: Dr. Nancy Bell, Dr. Lauryn Oates
Day/Time: Fridays, 12:00 – 3:00pm
Location (during In-Person portion): SCRF 201, 2125 Main Mall
Hybrid (alternating week): In-Person: September 8, 22, October 6, 20, November 3, 17
Online: September 15, 29, October 13, 27, November 10, 24
Featuring Dr. Korczak’s legacy, this course introduces students to the foundations of children’s human rights. This course offers interdisciplinary graduate students an opportunity to advance their knowledge by exploring children’s human rights’ historical, socio-cultural, legal, and institutional contexts as well as Korczak’s enduring contributions to improving children’s lives. The course proposes to critically examine relevant scholarly debates across disciplines, current issues, and implementation approaches, including those intended to remedy children’s human rights violations while considering ‘real world’ practices and child-centred, rights-based approaches to domestic and global issues across disciplines. Course content includes lectures, case study analysis, discussion, guest speakers, and diverse resources including scholars and practitioners, films, and readings. Students are encouraged to reflect upon children’s embeddedness within all aspects of society and how child-centred research, policy, and practice agendas, addressing critical societal issues, might take account of human rights and children’s everyday world intersections with the ultimate goal of improving children’s lives.
INDS 502F Syllabus
Acknowledgement: The course is generously sponsored by the Janusz Korczak Association of Canada
INDS 502C 001 / GRSJ 503D 201 (Winter Term 2): 3-credit
*IMPORTANT NOTE*: This course will not be offered until further notice.
Historical Memory and Social Reconstruction
Instructor: Dr. Pilar Riano-Alcala
Course Outline: Seminar Historical Memory and Social Reconstruction
INDS 502A 001 (Summer Term 1): 3-credit
*IMPORTANT NOTE*: This course will not be offered until further notice.
Arts-based Methods of Inquiry in Health Research
Susan Cox, Associate Professor, W Maurice Young Centre for Applied Ethics, School of Population and Public Health
Gloria Puurveen, Postdoctoral Fellow, W. Maurice Young Centre for Applied Ethics, School of Population and Public Health
This course will provide an introduction to the growing field and range of practices associated with the arts and health.
Course Syllabus: INDS 502A – Arts-based Methods of Inquiry in Health Research
Directed Studies Courses
Directed Studies (or Independent Studies) are courses that you design in consultation with either your direct co-supervisor(s) or a faculty member in your relevant research area. Under the guidance of the instructor, you can submit course proposal for approval by the ISGP Program Chair. Once your course proposal has been approved, the ISGP office will register you into a Directed Studies course section.