Getting Started
Congratulations! Now that you have been admitted into the ISGP program, one of the first things to do is to create a Campus-Wide-Login (CWL) account so that you can access your records on the Student Service Centre (SSC) account. For info on how to do so, please visit here.
Once you set up your CWL, use it to log into your SSC account to access your records.
Student Profiles
Check out the current student profiles and learn more about your peers and cohort members. Reach out to the ISGP admin to add your details to the profile page.
Academic Progress
The Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (G+PS) web site is a great resource for any information you are looking for in regards to your program needs (e.g. Auditing a course; Request for Leave; Extensions; Change in Registration; Applying for awards…etc.)
Here is a timeline and sequence of steps of your program (from being admitted to graduation). For more information on each step, please clink on the link:
- Admitted
- Subscribe to ISGP Mailing list
- Maintain continuous registration
- Develop Program of Study and Coursework
- Form Supervisory Committee
- Submit ISGP Annual Progress Report (June 30th every year)
- (PhD) Comprehensive Exam (24 months – after finishing ALL course work) – ISGP Comprehensive Exam Guidelines (MUST be submitted for approval prior to comprehensive exam)
- (PhD) Defend thesis proposal
- (PhD) Advancement to Candidacy (36 months – completed ALL course work; passed comprehensive exam; thesis proposal approved)
- Write thesis/dissertation
- Submit thesis/dissertation for revision/review
- (PhD) G+PS sends thesis/dissertation to External Examiner
- (PhD) Final Doctoral Oral Defence
- (PhD) Submit Doctoral thesis/dissertation Approval Form
- Submit thesis/dissertation online to cIRcle
- Apply for Graduation
- Unsubscribe from ISGP Mailing list (students or supervisors)
Academic Interruption
If you feel that your academic progress is being hindered by extenuating circumstances, please contact the ISGP office immediately to discuss the possibility of a leave of absence. Simply send our office a brief email letting us know that you are experiencing difficulties. An email of this nature can later be used to support your request for a leave of absence.
Please note that G+PS discourages retroactive requests of any nature. The sooner you contact the office, the easier it is for us to help you find a solution.
Please also check the various deadlines that are relevant to Graduate Students on the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (G+PS) web site.
Supervisors and Supervisory Committee
You are highly encouraged to consult the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Handbook of Graduate Supervision.
If your supervisors have changed since you entered the ISGP, please notify the ISGP Office and ask your new co-supervisor to fill out the Student Supervisor Agreement.
The composition of your co-supervisors and supervisory committee must be at least 50% UBC members.
To recommend a non-UBC supervisor, please fill out the form here and submit all documents to the ISGP for further approval.
To recommend a non-UBC supervisory committee member, please fill out the form here and submit all documents to the ISGP for further approval.
*NOTE: Indication (from the graduate program) of the particular qualifications that make the nominee suitable must be provided by student’s supervisor as a rationale.
Only completed forms and required documents will be accepted and processed.
For more information on supervisors and supervisory committees, please visit the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies website.
Mailing Lists
STUDENTS Email Announcement List
All current ISGP students must subscribe to the ISGP-STUDENTS mailing list in order to receive important announcements (awards, deadlines, reminders…etc.)
To subscribe to ISGP-STUDENTS, please sign up here.
You will then receive an email asking you to confirm your subscription to the ISGP-STUDENTS list.
SUPERVISORS Email Announcement List
All faculty members supervising ISGP students must subscribe to the ISGP-SUPERVISORS mailing list in order to receive important graduate program-related announcements (awards, deadlines, reminders…etc.)
To subscribe to ISGP-SUPERVISORS, please sign up here.
You will then receive an email asking you to confirm your subscription to the ISGP-SUPERVISORS list.
If you have graduated from the ISGP or you no longer supervise students at the ISGP, and wish to unsubscribe from the ISGP mailing list, you may do so here (for students), and here (for supervisors).