Issue 2: Call for papers
We are now actively seeking submissions for the 2nd issue of Mantle. Please submit your work by 31st May, 2024. For more information on submissions, see below.
General information about submissions
Mantle – The Annual Review of Interdisciplinary Research accepts submissions on an ongoing basis. We encourage scholars to submit their reflections on past and current aspects of interdisciplinary research, as well as thoughts on the future of interdisciplinary studies. This can include submissions which explore and/or describe interdisciplinary methodologies or have an interdisciplinary intellectual focus. We encourage submissions that create spaces for further discussions, ideas and concepts that are taking shape. We accept outstanding (88% and above) final research essays as well.
As an Annual Review we welcome submissions from any interdisciplinary perspective. The key consideration is the extent to which the work attends to the promise of carrying the mantle left behind by the weakening walls of disciplinary silos. How does your work address inter/cross/multi/trans-disciplinary issues? What settled understandings does it provoke and unsettle? What new methods, models, and paradigms is it constructing? What is edgy or emergent about your work? We welcome work that adds value to the field’s understanding of a topic or a concept. Send us an abstract if you are unsure about the suitability of a topic.
If you have a paper that does not require any editorial comments please submit it directly to the journal via Open Journal Systems (OJS) – our online platform. Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the submission process.
Word Length and Format
Manuscripts should be no more than 30, double-spaced pages (one-inch margins all around, half-inch indent, in Times New Roman 12-point font, using active voice), including an abstract (up to 200 words), keywords (up to seven terms), references, and relevant tables, figures (in their correct position in the text, not separate and not at the end of the manuscript), and appendixes.
We prefer APA-style and accept footnotes (no endnotes please). The first footnote should include a short statement (maximum four lines) about you, including faculty, university, and any information pertinent to your submission. The footnote will be removed, along with the author’s name, before the article is peer-reviewed to facilitate anonymity but will be included when the article is published online.
Manuscripts should be concisely written in an easy-to-read style without sacrificing meaningfulness or expositional clarity. Technical jargon to be avoided whenever possible. The journal editor-in-chief will evaluate manuscripts in terms of their contribution-to-length ratio, i.e., they may permit more pages to manuscripts that make strong contributions. We accept submissions in multiple formats, including (but not limited to):
- Conceptual and theoretical issues in interdisciplinarity
- Reports of empirical research
- Poetry
- Book reviews
- Literature reviews
- Photographs
- Biographies
- Graphics and artwork
- Interviews
- Dialogues, short One-Act Plays
- Policy analyses
If you would like to submit audio clips, video clips, or blogs, please mail us at for further details.
Simultaneous Submissions
Submissions to the journal may not be under review or currently published by another publication or under copyright elsewhere.
There is no charge for submission and publication.
Feedback on Abstracts
If you would like feedback on an idea for a submission, feel free to send us a 200-word abstract.
Peer review process
Submissions go through a peer review editorial process, after which we respond to authors with clear revision requests as required. If you are interested in being a peer reviewer for Mantle, please send us an email.
Contact Information
Send final submissions, including the abstract and biographical note to the Editor-in-Chief Ritwik Bhattacharjee at